Our network project

- aims at educating, informing, sharing ideas, collecting opinions and criticisms, citizens involvement;
- begins with a serie of considerations:
           a) many citizens have a distorted or unknown perception of EU;
           b) Euroscepticism has risen in recent years;
           c) twinnings are still playing a prominent role for the EU;
           d) diversity as focal point of European integration;
           e) Europe has one people, that needs a European citizenship.
- will enable to:
           a) deal constructively with Eurosceptics;
           b) increase the awareness of EU citizens;
           c) outline a «long term vision for the future of European integration»;
           d) «foster a sense of belonging in Europe».

From the past to the future: ImagE50 is projected to recover, along with all Europeans, the meaning and the way of the future of Europe. Develops in eight meetings: each meeting will be a logical consequence of the previous one, since the topics discussed will all be directly linked to each other in a precise timeline and according to a “cause and effect” process.

The EU's future is yet to be written: citizens and institutions can and must write it together. We want Brussels and the member States to take into account a proposal made by European citizens. Through our path, we propose «a new narrative for Europe, citizen-oriented, forward-looking and constructive, more engaging for the younger generation».

The citizens of the twin cities will be an active part of each phase of the project: they will express their opinions and propose solutions for European integration in the long term, starting from the five scenarios of the “White Paper on the Future of Europe” and developing them within a framework of broader vision. Of particular importance will be the comparison with the “Eurosceptics”, to try to understand their point of view and to respond constructively to their concerns.

ImagE50 is a road map towards a “Federal Europe” concept:
          The past and current scenario: the founding acts
1) The EU treaties & the “White Paper”
          The current scenario: Euro-disappointed, sceptics, phobics
2) Euroscepticism, an insidious opponent
3) Brexit: the price of a divorce
4) the influence of Euroscepticism on the twin town movement
          The tomorrow scenario: integration of differences
5) The transfer of sovereignty to Europe
6) How to bring the EU closer to citizens
          The day-after-tomorrow scenario: the future
7) The future of Europe: hopes and fears
8) ImagE50, a new hope: towards the Europe of 2050

To «contribute to citizens' understanding of the Union, its history and diversity», we mean:
- organise information seminars on EU programmes and opportunities;
- realize the theatre show “Sogno di una felice Europa”.

To «foster European citizenship and to improve conditions for civic and democratic participation at Union level», we plan to:
- welcome the European friends in family, in order to improve the integration between people of different languages, cultures, customs and traditions;
- to involve experts on issues of individual events, to share their experiences and knowledge to build a purposeful comparison;
- activate, in collaboration with the municipalities, a Center for transnational educational mobility of young people in each twin city, it is also a “hatchery of ideas” to engage citizens and local authorities on European issues.

To «encourage democratic and civic participation of citizens at Union level, by developing citizens' understanding of the Union policy making-process and promoting opportunities for societal and intercultural engagement and volunteering at Union level», we plan to:
- organize lectures and discussions with directors and officers from the national offices of the European Parliament;
- prepare a questionnaire to understand the feelings of the citizens towards the EU;
- stimulate debate on European elections in 2019.

To «debating the future of Europe and challenging Euroscepticism», we intend to involve citizens and local associations:
- organizing flashmob and public events to stimulate European awareness;
- organizing debates on European policy, involving both Europeans whether Eurosceptics;
- raising awareness among schools of the twin cities via:
           a) the drawing contest “A flag for Europe” for students aged 11 to 15 years;
           b) the essay competition “Imagine the future of Europe” for students aged 16 to 18 years;
- promoting the contest of painting and sculpture “The future of Europe”;
- demonstrating how the Federation of European States may be a great opportunity for a sustainable future for Europe and European States themselves.

- workshops;
- questionnaires;
- conferences;
- theatre shows;
- students competitions.
During ImagE50:
- we'll show to the citizens the contents of the European treaties;
- will inform the citizens about the opportunities offered by the EU and its programmes;
- we will speak with all parts of society, including the “Euro-sceptics”;
- we will meet universities and schools, to engage and involve the new generations;
- we will identify specific target groups involved in the single events;
- we will organize debates, seminars, workshops, competitions;
- we will make the video “I'm a European citizen”;
- we will work closely with local institutions, which represent the first and fundamental step in a democracy.

- show that the “European Federation” secures a future for Europe;
- foster citizens’ knowledge on the issues proposed;
- proposals for local and European policies;
- improve the commitment of young people and the NGO role of the twin cities into European policies;
- pave the way to the European Federation.

At the beginning and at the end of the project we'll give questionnaires in order to know what is the opinion of citizens about the EU and to evaluate the results of our work.

After ImagE50 will be organized in Brussels (09-11 September 2020), a press conference - with the participation of all the towns and all the Twinning Committees involved - to illustrate the results achieved and to present the final document that will be sent to European institutions.


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per i Gemellaggi di Feltre

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